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Weekly Crypto Market Insights – 7th November 2022

Weekly Crypto Markets Insights
3 minutes
And we're back with our weekly crypto market insights.
Weekly Crypto Market Insights 2nd edition is here!
Weekly Crypto market insight 7th
What a week it’s been!
From the many announcements at Solana Breakpoint to Twitter’s New Pricing and Layoffs, Instagram’s NFT functionality launch, Ethereum’s updated roadmap, FTX / Alameda leaked balanced sheet data, JP Morgan’s first DeFi trade.. to many other news that moved the markets!
Below we present a recap of the key market metrics, top gainers & losers, followed by crypto market news.

Key Market Metrics

Global Crypto Market Cap is at $1.08 trillion, a +1.64% change week over week. The total value locked in DeFi is at $55.13 Billion, a small decline of -0.11% WoW.
Binance’s trading volumes are up by +15.42%, FTX’s down by -10.51%, in the light of a recent CoinDesk article regarding leaked FTX / Alameda balance sheet data.
BTC trading at $20,924 up by +2.15% WoW, dominance at 40.68%, down by -1.04% , ETH trading at $1,586, dominance at 19.70%, up by +1.63%.

Top Gainers & Losers

Top gainers in price were AR +38.75%, OKB +36.61%, MATIC +32.92%, LTC +29.74%, and LRC +21.51%.
Top losers were KLAY BY -18.95%, FTT by -13.13%, ETHW by -8.18%, EGLD -8.14%, and APT by -7.56%.

Recap of the Most Noteworthy News of Past Week

We hope you found these weekly crypto market insights helpful preparing for the week ahead.


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